Righty, blog time
With this group project I've been thinking more and more about how people interact with each other and the methods in which they deal with various problems and now because getting a job and getting myself known is playing more and more on my mind what potential future employee's would think of there attitudes and there ability to work in a group.
Im becoming increasingly worried about, not my ability, but promoting myself and the methods in which to do it - i would never consider myself a loud person and if theres one thing that irritates me more about people its people who blow there own trumpet even spouting off complete crap as it makes them look more knowledgeable even while im thinking to myself its complete crap this is usually solved by me wondering around from person to person explaining why said person was wrong - i would never directly confront them, one because they would simply talk over me and turn it into an inane argument and two, because it would affect there pride if i said there wrong in front of there 'audience'.
This system works fine in a closed environment but when your trying to promote yourself to outside parties namely Blitz and certain people within Blitz, Mike can fairly easily censor what work they see and who's work is shown ultimately destroying the gap between me and a potential employee again its the same thing when people's work is shown on the projector, my stuff is never shown and it really degrades my pride when i ask myself 'well why isnt it there?' and know full well its probaly the same work shown to various parties and I come up with no decent reasons apart from I don't shout about my work, of course I could just get into contact with them myself but then the people who have had a headstart from Mike promoting them are more likely to get a position
Im certainly planning on making a big deal of the work I've done, Im far too self critical at the moment and i do need to thrown myself to the lions as it were. I've done a crap load of work for this group project so hopefully it should reflect in how Mike views me and in turn hopefully get mentioned when its most neccesary