Sunday, October 15, 2006

Falling into Oblvion

Started playing Oblivion again, gah that game scares me you start it with the intention of playing through one or two quests and before you know it its past 4 in the morning and you slink to bed feeling very sad for spending more time in Tamriel, Skingrad all the way folks(!) than the real world. Im not sure what it is but there seems to be a sense of tangible reality to the whole thing its the way the guards turn to watch you as you stroll past, the random conversations npc's have over quests you've previously completed 'they say he closed the oblvion gate!' and the heavy use of spoken dialogue throughout the whole thing, im convinced the game would be nowhere as apealing if you had to read a block of text at the bottom of the screen each time. My only saving grace from eternal bedromdom is that is so demanding i can only just about run it on medium at the lowest resolution although my ruddy nevergonnaappear laptop should sort that out.

1 comment:

stroopwafel said...

haha, awesome game :(
play much any MMORPG? the next-gen are going to be like oblivion but even worse, when you throw in real people and want to progress futher and futher.