Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Never bet on Duke

So i've just seen the new Duke Nukem Forever teaser im convinced its only shooter that seems to be working backwards in terms of gameplay looking at the older trailer http://youtube.com/watch?v=omOPjBoClw0 it has all the staples of a modern fps- scripted triggers, pseudo pysics (logs down a hill!!), vehicle sections, AI sidekicks and a crappy storyline that takes itself far too seriously.

Looking at the newest trailer okays its a teaser but still, theres no mention of any of the above just 'kerazzy' graphics (again) and alot of blood oh and a amazingly homo-erotic scene of Duke weightlifting with sweaty abs. A game like Duke Nukem just dosen't work now, sure it was funny when he was stuffing dollar notes into strippers and being casually sexist in the early 90's but that beast died when half life was released colour me not impressed - no sir no


Badger Blogger said...

Duke Nukem forever...

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