Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Ironic re-release: Daikatana

Gametap is offering the whole of Daikatana for free to download, now this is the gaming equivalent of free arsenic but its the best example of what hype over proper design can lead to I can vaguely remember playing the demo and finding it ridiculously hard even though it was the first level and I was (still am y'know?) into Quake.
The level design is hard, not in its complexity although due to murky lighting and repetitive textures i didn't know where to go half the time and everywhere is poorly signposted but the way the level throws you down ledges and slopes ever so slightly too steep or too high meaning you lose health even before you run into the robotic frogs or the mosquito's that take two impossibly well aimed shots to kill - two being the least number of shots to have any effect upon the world it would seem

So yeah every aspect of the game is appalling bit its a good opportunity to download simply to see what too much hype can lead to


Monday, December 03, 2007

Started painting

Well i started painting up the Sculpey fungus thingy, then suddently realized i really REALLY had to sleep i'll probaly finish it up later today

Also what the hells with Blogger making you download images now? Most vexing

Sunday, December 02, 2007

..even a new tablecloth

Seeing as i've found a new wind of life for the blog I decided to make a fancy new banner for it im going for the whole dry humour approach something which sadly comes far too easily to me


I've noticed a few other ppl are posting there speed paints on there main blog presumably to pad them out but im not gonna swamp my blog with a load of my pretty poor images, thats what this is for Speed painting blog

I am however gonna post up some of my favourite pics I've done over a few weeks into a single image, this way its all nicely contained in a single post,

Image on the left is for 'Omnipotent' i figured a satellite is pretty close to that surveying all of Earth at a time, this image was completely unfinished the satellite looks more like a fridge and the Earth looks poo im pretty happy with opting to leave out any stars and stuff in most of the image making it look all the more remote and distant. The image on the right is for 'Augmentation' had been thinking of mudboxing up some Giger stuff recently so it made sense to do something close - a beauty machine that takes more from you than gives back

What really is creativity?

I've realised I've been blogging about creativity when I haven't really exlored what it really means, according to Wikipedia creativity is, 'Creativity (or "creativeness") is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts.'
Which makes sense creativity be it for any task or project is always new and original other than emulating something else, something games i guess could learn from i guess


people who always say 'ooh games need to be more original more creative' etc don't often consider that new creative ideas are horrible half baked ideas often the result of somebody with a 'great idea', im pretty sure this applies to all aspects where creativity and design go hand in hand. The closest example i can think of is the Car industry and the Fiat multipla.
Despite being displayed in the Museum of Modern Art at New York, sales worldwide were absymal with Top Gear voting it the 'Ugliest Car' car of 1999 Fiat eventualy restyled it back into a more traditional looking design and sales started to increase.
Showing more than anything people want familiarity not a car you would find in a pretensious modern art house, evolution not revolution i guess.
But creativity to solve a problem is a truly mysterious thing some spark of inspiration that completely rewrites the book and has everyone copying you until the next big wave of creativity