Thursday, January 10, 2008

All those in favour say 'Aye'

I've been thinking about the upcoming Queens building project and specifically how the groups are gonna work towards creative input and hopefully output.
Creative thought is, as far as i can tell, is having an untested idea and taking a risk on that idea with the following reward and failure because of it.

If the groups are managed by a commitee with everyone voting on and agreeing to a change or suggestion then all the ideas and suggesions will be medicore and simply follow the current trend however if the ideas are wrangled by a single leading person then i imagine the ideas would be a bit more outlandish although that dosen't neccesarrly mean there going to be solid gold 'creative marvels' actually im pretty much convinced its gonna be some loud mouth convinced we should model the whole of Leicster in the 16th century in SPACE and will defend it horribly because it was his/her idea.

A real creative idea seems to be one that despite the complexity of implementing it, although im assuming the more complex the idea the better it has to be for it to grab everyone, everyone will automatically agree that yeah thats a good idea that would work - lets do it!

Im really interested to hear about all the groups 'kerazzy' ideas and how there gonna hold it all together

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Do said skills pay the bills?

Righty i think its time for another creativity post i think,

the other day somebody said, and i won't name names although this certainly seems to be split down the middle of the group that sharing knowledge be it for modelling or drawing or any other key skill for the course is a bad idea as that person would then become, effectively in the lecturers eyes as good as the person who originally taught them this seems to terrify some people who like a clear and level pegging between certain groups and people.

Which got me wondering why it worried them so much, obviously theres the element of grades being threatened if more people are at the same level but its almost as if they've learnt up to a certain level and refuse to go any higher.

New skills and knowledge means more opputunity for creative output, instead of the same tired stuff being churned out learning new techniques even if there crap the first time around is much more appealing.

Additionally if more and more people are learning more and more it simply means you have to constantly push yourself and we don't end up in a creative rut

Carters theme

Its 7:27 in the morning, i've not gone to sleep and the only thing keeping me going apart from not wanting to look a fool for this presentation is this amazingly catchy intro theme which i've been playing over and over again,

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Never bet on Duke

So i've just seen the new Duke Nukem Forever teaser im convinced its only shooter that seems to be working backwards in terms of gameplay looking at the older trailer it has all the staples of a modern fps- scripted triggers, pseudo pysics (logs down a hill!!), vehicle sections, AI sidekicks and a crappy storyline that takes itself far too seriously.

Looking at the newest trailer okays its a teaser but still, theres no mention of any of the above just 'kerazzy' graphics (again) and alot of blood oh and a amazingly homo-erotic scene of Duke weightlifting with sweaty abs. A game like Duke Nukem just dosen't work now, sure it was funny when he was stuffing dollar notes into strippers and being casually sexist in the early 90's but that beast died when half life was released colour me not impressed - no sir no